Do You Want to Lose Weight, or Lose Fat?

Resistance training is hands-down the single best thing you can do to lose weight in a healthy way
Karen Rinehart
March 28, 2024
Do You Want to Lose Weight, or Lose Fat?

Karen Rinehart


March 28, 2024

Isn't it frustrating to step on the scale, fully expecting to see a lower number, but you don't?? I've been experiencing that feeling over and over again during the last several months.

True, the only change I made to my diet is to try not to binge at night and add some protein to each meal or snack. Sometimes I'm successful, sometimes I'm not. But I still eat chocolate every day, I still eat carbs and love them, and I don't pay attention to how much fat I add to my meals.

Given all that, why did I recently fit into some pants that I bought at Christmas that were too snug to wear at that time? When I brought them home, I simply hung them up in the closet without taking the tags off. And now they fit me, it's amazing! And still the scale says 155 pounds when I think it should say 145 pounds. How can this be true??

I’ll tell you how – because a pound of fat takes up more space than a pound of muscle – it’s about the difference of a grapefruit (for fat) and a tangerine (for muscle). And a pound of muscle burns about 4x more calories at rest than a pound of fat. Let's assume a pound of muscle burns 10 calories per day more than fat because the reported numbers are all over the place. This means that if you add 5 pounds of muscle, you will burn 50 calories more day and 350 calories per week.

That’s why I can fit into those pants today with little changes to my diet – because I use the Quantum Xpress resistance training program and it has helped me add muscle. I’m not a gym rat, in fact I’m averse to the gym. But this program takes only 15 minutes per session and I do 2 sessions per week. Best of all, it comes to me so I don't have to waste my time driving to a gym. And it comes with a coach who creates my program and keeps me accountable. This is truly the best way to work out that I've ever found!

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