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Rent the Van for Your Squad

How Does This Work

Sharing a common experience brings people together and enhances your connection. We understand that, so Quantum Xpress for Friends is delivered to you on an hourly basis. We come to your location so you and your friends can visit and rotate through your individual workouts with our Coach. Each participant's program is customized to their needs and goals and takes only 15 minutes. Optional cardio is available for those who are interested. Support each other, compete with each other, be each others' cheerleader! Options are available for once or twice a week.

Once Weekly Sessions

Once weekly sessions are perfect if you are:

  • a busy parent who needs to take care of yourself so you can take better care of your loved ones
  • a busy professional who just doesn't have the time to spend 3 hours a week at the gym
  • a sedentary person who wants to safely build a strong foundation
  • a retired person who wants to stay independent for as long as possible
  • an athlete in training who wants better performance with cross-training

Twice Weekly Sessions

Get the most improvement out of your workouts with twice weekly sessions.  These are perfect if you are:

  • an existing client who started with once weekly and is ready for the next step
  • a healthy individual who is or has recently been active and is starting with a good foundation
  • an athlete who wants to invest during the off-season for performance gains during the season


No fitness experience required. We meet you where you are today so you can take the first step toward your best self.


As with any program, you get out of it what you put into it, and your results will reflect your effort. If you are consistent and give a 100% effort, you will see results. We understand that a 100% effort looks different, depending upon the day.

YES! I Want to Work Out With my Friends
Contact Us For More Info

Inspiring change in the Central Valley
One workout at a time

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When not servicing clients, our van rests in Clovis

mobile fitness labs
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Fitness is part of the journey, not a destination

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