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Make A Difference in Your Employee's Lives

This Program is Different

This training is likely very different than anything you or your staff have done before. You will be able to access muscles in a way that is not possible in a traditional gym setting. Because the workouts are high in effort, they don't need to be long. They are very effective at about 15 minutes per session. *

More Than Measurement

Most Employee Wellness Programs provide biofeedback by measuring the status of certain body metrics, like blood glucose and cholesterol. This is your opportunity to take it a step further and offer a program that IMPACTS those measurements. Resistance training has consistently been shown to be the foundation of a good fitness program and overall health. Besides helping to moderate body composition and weight, it contributes to disease prevention, better sleep patterns, and improved mental health, to name just a few of the many benefits.

Experience the Difference First-Hand

This is a brand new style of resistance training, and we want you to experience it for yourself. After you submit your interest, we will call you to set up a time to visit you and a few colleagues. This is your opportunity to see it, feel it, use it, and give us the opportunity to answer all your questions.


No fitness experience required. We meet you where you are today so you can take the first step toward your best self.


*As with any program, you get out of it what you put into it, and your results will reflect your effort. If you are consistent and give a 100% effort, you will see results. We understand that a 100% effort looks different, depending upon the day.

Click Here to Submit Your Interest
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Inspiring change in the Central Valley
One workout at a time

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When not servicing clients, our van rests in Clovis

mobile fitness labs
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Fitness is part of the journey, not a destination

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